Thursday, October 22, 2009

unfair world

This world is so unfair... some people just got the luck or whatever you call that... everything is smooth sailing for them... got into a good school, got the dream job, get rich, etc... but some people are just bad luck their whole life... life doesnt really go their way... not even once... whatever they go it always go the wrong way... an opportunity turn out to be a garbage... a dream turn out to be a nightmare...

This world is full with idiots, bastards, bitch, whore, fools, nincompoop, freaks, jerks, double face, hypocrite and all the other bad words you could think of... they are all selfish that only think for themselves... they dont care for any other being, animals and plants included... they live in their own world where they are the king and rules... they look down on other as though others are abnormal or aliens...

Everyone is a fool...

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