Monday, July 06, 2009

In your hands

First day of the training is quite inspiring...

A naughty boy caught a bird and held it in his hand... he hid it behind his back and ask a wise man:"There's a bird in my hand behind me, is it dead or alive?" The wise man is wise enough and said:"If I say the bird is dead, you'll just let go of it and it will fly. if I say the bird is alive, you will just squeeze the bird and it's dead. So it is in your hands." Hearing that, the boy let the bird free...

If you think you can...
you CAN...


cluelessfreak said...

apa msg? takde kena mengena with birds pun.

Unknown said...

swt... it means, no matter what u do, it all depend on urself... da title IS da msg...