Sunday, August 03, 2008

All the passing days...

Midterm break has started... it's not a very delightful holiday cause after that midterm exam and assignment will come pouring in... well, as for my FYP, I still have to meet my supervisor on Tuesday... he said that this is a project... no holidays... shrugs... so holiday and no holiday is the same to me... the only difference is that no classes...

Anyway, not been updating what I'm doing recently... well, actually nothing much had happened... everyday is almost the same... mostly busy with FYP stuff... pass few days or weeks been kinda tedious for me... security assignment been making my blood boiled a few times due to the certificate problems and vista... and on top of that I had my French presentation which only had a week to prepare... other than that, there are some other stuff that happened which is not to be told here... some personal stuff... so dont ask...

So due to all that, been lacking of sleep... and due to that feel like it's impossible for me to do all the stuff... you could say that I've been kinda down lately... but somehow I manage to get through all of that... but thinking of all the things that will be lining up... I feel so tired... and thinking of finals and after that ITP... well, lets not go into that yet... hate goodbyes you see...

Actually, I've watched Batman: The Dark Night and Journey To The Center Of The Earth last few weeks ago... actually is 2 days back to back... the first movie was just a sudden decision made... and the second, well it's also a sudden decision... hahaha... anyway, that's not important... Batman was nice... the joker did wad a joker should do... a joker... he's funny in a way... throughout the movie is full with actions... lots of unpredictable dramas... if you haven watch it... go watch it... highly recommended... for the second movie... the name is long... but the movie is only one and the half hours... the movie is so so only... nothing much to say about it... watch it if you dont have anything better to do...

Haih~ recently been getting lost of the time, the schedules, the to-dos, and the what had been done... I lost track of everything... this seldom happen to me... and I wonder why it happened... I even forget about all the important dates... maybe is due to the stress... but I think I'm fine... hopefully... guess that it... running out of stuff to write... told you I cant remember didnt I... so typing off...

vous je manque...

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